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Romanticize your Life Everyday, not just on Valentine's Day

Once February begins, all the Valentine's gifts start appearing in stores: candies, boxes of chocolate, teddy bears, bouquets of flowers. People do not hesitate to share their opinions.

These can range from total pessimism to neutrality to full blown romance! There have been phases in my life where I would feel empty once February started and leading up to Valentine's day. There have been times where I knew that I did not have someone special in my life to share memories with on that day. Most of my life, Valentine's day was just another day whether I was single or not. I did not do attempt to put any effort to make the day any different because I thought, "What is the point? It is just another day. Why make it "lovey-dovey" when my life isn't even nice?"

This year, as I walked through the stores and saw the pretty bouquets, the chocolates, and cute stuff animals gifts, I put on my rose colored glasses.

I imagined there was a young man picking out his first stuff animal for his new girlfriend for their first valentine's day together, stressing over trying to find the "perfect" gift to make his girlfriend happy. And I giggled at the thought of them trying to make it a perfect moment together.

I thought of an older couple who had been together for several decades and how they would share their day together. They probably have an empty house now since their own children are adults now living with their own families or chasing their dreams. So the couple spends their retired days enjoying each other company, taking care of each other, knowing they accomplished so much in their life together.

When we spend a majority of the year prioritizing our responsibilities to work, pay our bills, feed our families, workout to stay healthy amongst other duties, Valentine's day is a reminder for us that life can be hard, and we can learn to add a little romance in our lives each day, not just on Valentine's day.

Why is this important?

Practicing this even for a few moments in your day each day can have a drastic change in your perception of life and improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Ways you can romanticize your life each day:

  • Show gratitude doing simple tasks

    • When you wake up in the morning and make or purchase your morning coffee or tea, show your appreciation for having that drink to help your body function throughout the day. You can practice showing gratitude every time you buy food or treat yourself to a snack, or fill your car up with gas. The intention is to change your perspective on your daily tasks and show how truly blessed you are.

  • Add decorations in your home

    • You don't have to spend a lot of money to make your place more romantic. For example, you can place a candle on your coffee table, your bed side stand, or on your bathroom counter. The intention is to put in a place where you can see the candle from a place where you can relax. You can focus on the light everyday for a few seconds to a few minutes an appreciate how that small light added a little spark of warmth to your home. If you don't want to buy a candle, you can buy anything that instantly lifts your mood up and gives you sense of peace. These can be flowers, a knick-knack, or even a picture.

  • Play music

    • Play music that is uplifting and positive. Stay away from music that has negative phrases. Pay attention to the lyrics of some of the songs you listen and ask yourself, "does what the artist say make me feel good?" Sometimes we don't realize that the music we play on our drive to work or home can affect our mood subliminally. Intentionally listen and make a new uplifting playlist and puts in a positive and happy mood.

  • Watch a movie or read a book that makes you laugh or is just a feel good story

    • The content you expose yourself to has a significant impact on your mood. When we watch scary movies or psychological thrillers, it can raise your anxiety and make you go to bed feeling scared. Instead of watching these, switch it up and watch or read content that makes you feel good and whole.

  • Pray before you go to bed.

    • When you get into bed, you can thank Spirit for another day (omit if you are not spiritual) and list all the things that happen that day that was great. The intent is to have you find all the simple and beautiful things that happened that day.

Add one or two of these practices in your life and see how it changes your views over time. Intentionally changing pessimistic or empty thoughts is a challenge, that is why doing these practices daily and adding to it over time is key.

Remember: life itself is beautiful. Your ability to breathe, to laugh, to have food and water are all blessings. I think we can take life for granted when we compare ourselves to others and think we could and need to do more in order to be happy. But that is not the case. You are a blessing and you are beautiful just the way you are.

Let's practice romanticizing our life every day, not just on Valentine's day.

I challenge you to put on your rose colored glasses and tell me what you see.

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